WWE Released Superstars

WWE has intially Announced on their Official website about this surprise Inclusion about Superstar Releases from WWE, it has been awkard and weird saying, because their some goodies in the list, who are not worth of it.

WWE has come to a conclusion and Released these following detailed Superstars , obviously they have been Fired, dating on June 12 2014:-
                                * Jinder Mahal 
                * Drew McIntyre
                * Akasana
                * Curt Hawkins
                * Theodore Long
                * Camacho
                * Evan Bourne  
                * Yoshi Tatsu
                * Brodus Clay
                * Marc harris (Refree)
                * JTG
                * Vince McMahon

Well We could see some special names and surprising ones , guys Like  Theodore Long , Brodus Clay, Jinder Mahal and Refree Marc Harris are so surprising ones because they have been in the ring @ the best and talking about Evan bourne he was Good in ring but majorly was in Injured Castle . Must pity For him ..
Jinder Mahal guy from Indian who has been Under rated star shouldn't end up his career like this.
We Miss 3MB
We Miss JTG memes Anyways WWE wishes them the best in their Future endeavours

@heel ziggler tweeted something about this issue of WWE
