CM Punk absence in yesterday's Roster Cuts/ Releases.

Its Been a trending worlwide news about  10 superstars and 1 refree were released or obviously fired Yesterday.
Noticebly we dont see things much awkard, because how ever we dont see superstars like CM Punk , Rey Mysterio and Zack Ryder. Since these guys haven't been so prominent on television but we dont see these guys on the list.

What was the reason behind these quick decision ?

Talking about CM Punk, its strange that his name was not on the list because he was not seen in the company anywhere these days, despite these facts we come to a conclusion that clearly Punk has no thought of returning to Pro wrestling arena anymore. 
Well WWE has indeed achieved a great profit in the presence of Punk,and although we hear it via WWE Universe too ( we all hear a large pop of chants fom audience even in his absence), so WWE could even block other several outside Contracts to Punk from outside Competitors, i.e they are ready to hire him @ any time paying him with large Tribute cash. 

Speaking about Mysterio WWE has extended his contract, since he is facing a severe Injury.
Zack Ryder in the company is still Questionable ?????????????????

Punk doesnt come cheap, and the company have had usually a original breakdown loss of $50  million this year alone, and hence they have taken this decision of Releasing or Firing Superstars , who have been seen in the company for Name Same via Contract