Daniel Bryan's Injury Update and his return to Raw @Knoxville

As featured on past Monday Night Raw ,Stephanie McMahon coming onto arena and cutting a hell promo, and announcing that she will screw Bryan from WWE title..however WWE universe was claiming that this is just a hell of Warning from Kane..

But how the holy shit about what Stephanie announced is true and Lmfao is gonna happen anyhow..
Yet she asked if he doesnt appear on Next week raw ,he is gonna be screwed from world title.this made bryan trhink a lot and he just came via ........You can watch here..

Well looks like it might happen like this somehow,
If bryan is out on next monday Night Raw after a Neck Surgey, which would more oftenly not involving in a match by WWE officials , which could curse him a WWE title strupping off.or if something like this if Bryan made his return as sympathetical so as to make  and his title is not gonna strip from his shoulders and make his return after he cures himself from the surgery..

All we need to wait for a Week.